Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Dawn of a New Adventure

So, it has been practically forever since the last time I wrote a blog post. So much has happened since then, and I am quite happy that much of the old turmoil is over. AcDec is over, college admissions are over, and best of all, high school is over. At last, I am free to study electrical engineering. Since I did not get into MIT as I had hoped, I decided that I will go to ASU Barrett for now. I will definitely keep the possibility of a transfer tucked in the back of my mind, but I need to see how I like ASU before I make a decision like that. That being said, I will not worry about that any more until school starts back up again.

That's right, it is now summer vacation for me! I have not done much so far other than watch movies, play Minecraft, and browse Youtube, but I do have a bunch of stuff that I would eventually like to get done this summer. I have some awesome ideas for my book, and I will most likely expand the story I had in mind to fill up a trilogy. This will be quite a bit of work, but it will be fun work. For now, my short term goal is to get about 25,000 words done of the first book in the series. I am also planning on learning C++ and possibly Java, and I actually can say that I have started working on learning C++. My final goal is to read a small list of books I put together before school ended. The list includes Steve Jobs' biography, Isaac Asimov's autobiography, and several miscellaneous sci-fi books that I picked up at a book fair a while ago.

So, those are my main goals for the summer, and in order to complete them, I will need to completely re-engineer my lifestyle. I once thought that one of the primary purposes of college was to unlearn all of the bad study habits learned in high school, but I am going to take the summer to try to rid myself of those bad habits. It will be a difficult process, but one that is well worth the effort put into it. My plan is to create a plan. I must figure out a basic schedule and keep up the motivation to keep to that schedule. For now, I will plan on waking up at 7AM and spending a little bit of time to plan my day. From there, it is just a matter of sticking to the plan.

Other than that, there is not much else going on. Now that I have more free time, I think I will try to continue with the Minecraft Let's Play idea and try to capitalize on that. I will also try to update this blog at least once or twice a week, so the posts are more current and relevant than they have been.

And as always,
Happy Adventures!
