So... Winter break is now over, and school has started up again. Over break I did not do much other than Minecraft and LEGOs, so I did not get very many productive things done. I did, however, put a bunch of time into website, so I now have a decent Minecraft section. Now, I just need to populate the section with pictures and descriptions. I figured that since it was my last winter break of high school, I would take it easy and not do anything too crazy. Even though it kinda bugs me that I did not get very much done, I do have to say that I really enjoyed this break with the extra time I spent hanging out with my family.
As for my adventures with college, my application to MIT was deferred, I got accepted to ASU, and I have not yet heard back from the other colleges I have applied to. Even though the MIT result was not what I was hoping for, I am excited to have a second shot at admission during the Regular Action round. I am quite excited to see what the final result will be, and I cannot wait until March when I find out. Oh, I almost forgot to talk about the community college. I signed up for a VMware ESXI 5 class, and that starts next week. I am pretty excited about that since it is a continuation of my previous classes and the next step in training for a system administration job.
As for Instructables, I am still planning on making some tutorials soon, but there are some other things that definitely take precedence over them(like the website and school). The same goes for my book. I will continue working on it once I am able to free up some more time in my schedule. I have some pretty neat ideas for it, and as usual, I will keep you updated on it as I go. So far, I have about 11,000 words out of a minimum of 50,000, so I still have a bit of work ahead of me for that.
I am also thinking about starting a Let's Play for Minecraft, and the 1.5 redstone update should be a perfect time to start on it. I do not know how well it will go, but what the heck. It seems like a fun thing to do, so I will at least put a nice attempt into starting that up later on. If you are interested in hearing about when the first video comes out or you have any suggestions for it, shoot me an email at
There are probably one or two other updates I am forgetting, but alas, I must get to bed now.
As always,
Happy Adventures!